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The Val-d’Or industrial park is over 55 years old!

The Val-d’Or Industrial Park has an area of ± 4,904,661 m² (490,466 hectares). It has 20 different streets with 236 lots.


The Val-d’Or Industrial Park was developed following the government’s decision to provide certain communities with economic development infrastructures. Val-d’Or banked on the vision of the future projected from its business community.

The Val-d’Or Industrial Park was originally created from mining rights (first generation) that were purchased by the Corporation de développement industriel de Val-d’Or (CDIVD) and integrated into a master plan of urban development intended to meet the demands of emerging industries and businesses

Annually, the CDIVD acts as the project manager for the construction of an average of ± 700 linear meters of streets distributed according to local companies’ anticipated requirements.  The demand for new land is high!

We estimate that over 7000 workers converge through the Val-d’Or Industrial Park. These workers are employed by local companies that operate in the following activities:

  •  Primary mining and forestry industries;
  • Construction, manufacturing, processing and specialized services sectors;
  •  Industrial supply, handling and storage sectors.


Val-d’Or’s economic development depends on the capacity of the Val-d’Or Industrial Park to welcome new businesses. This is made possible with the availability of “ready-to-build” sites for the establishment of new buildings for various purposes and by the CDIVD’s ability to support its businesses.

Historically, the Val-d’Or Industrial Park was developed on the periphery of the railroad and the 7th Street axis through the sporadic acquisition of lots that were broken up into industrial lots as streets and service infrastructures were developed. This development accelerated over the years and with the construction of the northern bypass, a new artery that allows Highway 117 to run away from downtown Val-d’Or. This new road has become a showcase for the Val-d’Or Industrial Park’s citizen businesses.

A development approach was orchestrated by “Sectors” with particularities for various business profiles through distinct zones. The development of these sectors was done simultaneously to ensure a wide range of sites to meet the various demands of the industrial sector.

The seven (7) distinct sectors are as follows

  1. Georges-Dumont West Sector
  2. Léo-Fournier sector
  3. Manufacturing sector
  4. Distributors Sector
  5. Northern Sector
  6. Eastern Area – O’Connell
  7. 19th Street Sector

We are approaching the territorial limit for development; therefore, we are currently planning to expand the Val-d’Or Industrial Park with the addition of a new sector.

This expansion of the Val-d’Or Industrial Park requires changes to the urban perimeter, changes that will give us leeway for development in the years to come.

This expansion will also ensure the sustainability of our economy through a planned, strategic development, at a safe distance from all residential developments. Its proximity to the commercial artery that is the Trans-Canada Highway 117 makes it even more attractive and relevant.


-Jean-Yves Poitras, industrial commissioner


The sustainability of a community depends on its ability to develop a medium and long-term economic vision and to implement short-term strategies,


The Val-d’Or Industrial Park is an example of this. It was planned by a common vision and specific and current interventions that added up to a homogeneous zone.

Thanks to those who preceded us.