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Collaborative approach to innovation

Should we adhere to the development of innovations through collaborative approach?


Historically, both basic and applied research were considered to be discreet and hidden from view.

The success of such research was based on four essential elements: the researcher; the research environment; the funding; and the actual user.

The better these elements were addressed, the better the outcome. Often, the only commonality between research projects is the environment (e.g. universities).

They network these traditional projects with each other to create a collaborative dynamic in the search for solutions. While maintaining the private character, the various projects share with each other specific critical aspects of the research that contribute to the final result.

These critical aspects can be existing techniques or technologies, known information, by-products, data, all of which are proven and of public knowledge that have the characteristics of solving critical points of this so-called traditional research.

This collaborative research requires exponential networking which could be provided by the platform and by a physical concentration of projects in a common environment which creates organized or incidental meetings.

Les Affaires 18 mai 2019(article in French only)

Collaborative research: for value-added innovation

In Quebec, the aerospace sector in the greater Montreal area was a forerunner in collaborative research with the Bombardier Aerospace and other Safran (a French equipment manufacturer) of this world, some 15 years ago.

High quality innovation

Companies engage in collaborative research because it provides several benefits, starting with quality innovation or greater added value.

Of course, companies innovate every day, developing new products or improving those they sell on the market. However, collaborative research can go much further, according to Paule de Blois, CEO of Sovar.

Reduced research-development costs

Collaborative research also raises a cost issue, explains François Gingras, director of industrial equipment and productivity at CRIQ in Quebec City. “If a company does its R&D alone, the cost of its research will be higher.

As a general rule, each dollar invested by a company allows it to obtain an additional $3 to $4 in funding, notably through grants. So if a company participates in a $400,000 project, it will only pay $100,000.

Collaborative research has several advantages…

  • Exposure to new ideas
  • Improvement of the innovation process
  • Reduction of the innovation cycle
  • Access to the best equipment and technologies
  • Risk sharing
  • Cost reduction
  • Leverage for financing
  • Reduced impact of labor shortage


… and some drawbacks


  • 100% protection of intellectual property
  • Faster innovation to improve existing products or processes
  • Lower innovation costs, as less patenting is generally done

In this perspective, Novinor Innovation will offer Abitibi-Témiscamingue an ecosystem of international calibre, bringing together Quebec’s technological potential in the development of an expert sector in the enhancement of natural resources related to the northern mining and forestry fields.

Novinor Innovation wishes to develop an expertise through innovation in contexts similar to the northern boreal territories which have specific geographical, climatic, organizational, social and structural characteristics that are different from most urban environments.

Collaborating to evolve

The Novinor Innovation project also consists in the creation of a physical and virtual platform managed and moderated by Novinor around which companies, institutions, organizations and communities will evolve and at the center of which will be deposited issues, opportunities, services, information, collaborations, innovations, and research aimed at growing the industry and communities through human and technological innovation and through real and concrete actions.


  • Jean-Yves Poitras, industrial commissionner


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